Be InSpired

Stories and Insights from the world of Yoga
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Dear Friends...

This month, I would like to focus on a specific theme in my regular classes:

Live Vibrantly via releasing habitual constructs. How you think and how you feel, create your state of being. Can we use the yoga practice to shift and alter our way of thinking and feeling, to embody more vibrancy?

What is on offer?

Monday evening yoga, in-person in Dottendorf (also online) - 19:30 - 20:45

A soft flow practice, combined with black strip, roll and some yin elements. Something for everyone and all levels.

Tuesday & Thursday Early Bird sessions - 6:00 - 6:30am

One of the simplest ways to empower the start of your day - come and flow in the quiet of the early morning.

Wednesday Pelvis & Back class (hybrid) - 9:00 - 10:00am

This is a special course focusing on close-to-the-ground practices, that help you to feel grounded in your core and stable in your back. When we feel grounded in the core and stable in the back, the challenges of daily life are easier to manage.

Wednesday Soft & Slow (hybrid) - 10:30 - 11:30am

A gentle practice to feel well, and balance the body-mind-heart state. In these sessions I like to use props to support the body, especially focusing on challenging restrictions, & post-cancer treatment. The body is not over-challenged, but rather encouraged to come into mobilisation and feel more freedom. This directly influences the state of mind, calming the nervous system, easing tension and inviting inner peace.

Thursday Yin & Restore (online) - 19:00 - 20.15

One of my primary focuses for this month will be the fascinating psoas muscle and vagus nerve connection. The intricate connection between our bodies physical response to stress & how we navigate change without force. We will dive into tension held in the: shoulders, neck, lower back and hips...

Friday Yin-vinyasa Flow (hybrid) - 9:00 - 10:15am

On Fridays we will focus on enjoying how flow brings renewed energy into the body. This month I will also focus on backbending.


  • To join any classes online, please register on my website under Live Streaming Yoga

  • To join me in-person, please send me an email

  • I can highly recommend attending in-person if you can. This is an opportunity for me to see your practice, and support you with personal hands-on adjustments, which can strongly enhance your practice and the way you embody the poses.

  • Since my groups are small, pre-registration helps me to plan my sessions better, and helps you to commit to your own vibrancy!

  • By committing, the gifts of the practice will show themselves in your daily life.

Shine with Kindness - yoga charity event

Sunday 27th August from 15:00 - 17:00

For those who are not familiar with our children’s charity, have a look at our charity website.

Jürgen and I founded this charity in 2015, as a way to give back to a local South African community close to where I grew up.

At Shine with Kindness, you will hear more about our projects as well as get to enjoy 90 minutes of yoga guided by myself & Kirstie Pfau, supported by gorgeous music from Julia Meissner.

Please don’t wait too long to register - this event fills up quickly.


Support our NGO "Lucky beans e.V."


Seva project

In Yoga, SEVA (Say-va) is a Sanskrit word for service - how can we serve others and give back to society. Through my yoga practice and teaching, I aim to give back to my childhood community in a small and meaningful way. Since I grew up in South Africa, this is where my heart lies in an attempt to empower young children in the Lidgetton community where it is often challenging to have hope and see the light. Our small Angel Ruth’s Soup Kitchen is a space where the children can go for a warm meal, as well as to a space where they know they are safe and cared for, can play freely and learn.

I offer a percentage of my teaching earnings back into this community, knowing that is is well used and goes directly to the source. To support the growing needs in the Lidgetton community, we set-up Lucky Beans e.V. in Germany in 2015. Through our charity status we are able to offer the possibility of EU citizens receiving a tax reclamation from any donation you may wish to make.

More details @

Fiona Hayhoe-Weiland

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© 2025 Fiona Hayhoe-Weiland / send me a message